Thought leaders from the emerging utility I&I (Imagery & Inspection) space gathered on June 20-21, 2023, at the Avista headquarters in Spokane, WA, attendees gained valuable insights from workshops, collaborated with their industry peers, and even got a hands-on drone demo that was sponsored by DJI.
Sprinkled into the agenda were keynote sessions with Avista on how operations and technology are using imagery from their infrastructure to make key business decisions.
Highlights include:
Click below for complete PDF overview.
Solution providers and utilities convened at our inaugural Utility Imagery & Inspection Consortium (“UIIC”) Summit in Phoenix, Arizona.
The discussions centered around the challenges, successes, lessons learned, and drivers behind the burgeoning utility imagery and inspection space. Participants were lively and offered a glimpse into a utility market segment poised to leverage a bounty of new technologies and processes that are beginning to yield measurable improvements in reliability and safety and will ultimately change how utilities manage their infrastructure for operational and financial improvements.
Highlights include:
Click below for complete PDF overview.
Speaking on our inaugural event, the 2022 Summer Symposium is Adam Flower, Manager for Distribution Asset and Program Management at Dominion Energy. We thank him for providing his thoughts and time.
Attending our inaugural event in Fort Worth, Texas, Australia’s Pete Halliwell, Commercial Manager at Essential Energy provides valuable feedback on the importance of UIIC Events. We thank him for providing his thoughts and time.
Second up is Bill Havonec, former GIS Lead at Sangre de Cristo Electric Association (he has since moved onto Inland Power in Idaho). We appreciate his valuable insight and thank him for providing his thoughts on our inaugural event.
Utility Imagery & Inspection Consortium 2023